Main > Technologies > How it works
REFILLER is a two-component
solution, based on polymer acryl
and epoxide compounds.
Thanks to chemical aggressivenessit
has a great adhesion with car paint.
  • Has nothing to do with liquid glass or temporary ceramic polish preservatives
  • Does not change molecular structure
    of polish crystal lattice
  • The material is applied by hand with an applicator
  • No spray or polish with microfiber
  • Spreads and levels on its own
  • Takes the shape of the existing paint and repeats
    the factory pebbles

3-stage work process with REFILLER

Car preparation

Before applying the material, a car undergoes several stages of cleaning and preparation. It is necessary to remove micro-damages, oxidation, UV damages, wax and various protective coating residues from the surface, which prevent from chemical reaction. First of all, using special discs and cleaning liquids, the surface is scrubbed, painted elements are delicately peeled after that.

Application process

After thorough cleaning, a car must be blown with compressed
air. To exclude the application of the material on plastic, unpainted
body elements or rubber seals, these elements are covered with tape
and body panels are degreased after that. Next, maintaining a certain temperature, the REFILLER is applied with a special applicator.

Drying and application
of a protective laminating solution

6 hours after application and partial polymerization of the material,
it is recommended to dry the layer with IR lamps or in a drying
chamber once again. Next, a laminating solution is applied to protect the freshly applied material from external environmental impact.


Renovates deep
Eliminates scratches
for good
Not washed off and
remains for good
Reconditions the
Eliminates stains,
sandblasting traces,
holograms after polishing
Eliminates shading at
partial element
from UV
strengthens and
dulled paint


The warranty period of the coating REFILLER
makes up 2 years.
- won’t be washed off
- won’t scale off
- won’t wear off

But even after expiry of two years the REFILLER
stay on the surface of the lacquer coating of automobile and will keep enchanting by its mirror shine, while not losing its protective properties at the same time.


1. Can I buy the REFILLER at retail and, having some experience in applying ceramic compositions, cover the car by myself?

Being a professional technology, the REFILLER will never be available at retail. All work is done in a specially prepared room by a certified specialist who passed compulsory training. The REFILLER application method is completely different from the process of applying ceramic preservatives and liquid glasses.

2. What is the difference between the REFILLER and “ceramics and liquid glass”?

The REFILLER automotive reconditioning system is a conceptually different technology, which excludes periodic abrasive impact on the existing factory paint. The main differences are:

- no composite, silicon organic polymers in the material;

- after applying the REFILLER tothe element, the material is not polished with microfiber, as opposed to ceramics or liquid glass. The REFILLER has self-spreading and leveling properties;

-  the thickness of the applied REFILLER layer on the element is 7-10 microns (ceramics – 0.05 microns);

-  one layer of the REFILLER is enough to reveal the color and restore the surface;

-  there are no stages of polishing (thinning) the paint with abrasive pastes before applying REFILLER;

-  forms an absolutely transparent, glossy, sealing layer on the surface;

-  fills in the scratches, sandblasted areas on body elements, preventing further deterioration of the paint;

-  no periodic or repeated application of the material is required, when caring for a car covered with the REFILLER (if there is no deep, visible damage on the elements).

3. Can a new car be covered with the REFILLER?

The REFILLER is designed to restore and protect the paint on used cars, however, there are cases when new cars are covered with the material. This complex of work is discussed with each customer individually.

4. How many layers of the REFILLER should be applied?

One layer is enough. A car is covered once for the entire period of use. The REFILLER is a permanent solution that does not wash off. After the complete polymerization process, it will not be dissolved with aggressive liquids.

5. How to maintain a car covered with the REFILLER?

In case of careful use and “correct” washing, there are no recommendations. If a car is used in critical, harsh conditions, it is recommended to perform technical maintenance of the applied layer once a year. The maintenance involves inspection, thorough cleaning of the processed surfaces and layer correction with further preservation with laminating solution. Additionally, upon customer’s request, it is possible to apply liquid glass or ceramics above the REFILLER.

6. Can the REFILLER be polished?

Yes, it is. There is a method of corrective polishing of the REFILLER layer.

7. What should I do if a car was covered with the REFILLER, but after a
while a body repair is required?

The REFILLER is completely compatible with paint and body repair. After complete or partial painting, it is recommended to re-apply the material to the element. At partial painting, after applying the Refiller, the shading completely disappears.