For a perfect
appearance of your car
Создавая будущее,
заботясь о настоящем
For a perfect Creating the future,
appearance of your carcaring of the present
Уникальный продукт
For many years, car painting and polishing processes have been the only methods of paint reconditioning. Of course, these traditional methods remain an integral part of body repair. However, the REFILLER AUTOMOTIVE RECONDITIONING SYSTEM occupies a niche, excluding labor-consuming painting and polishing processes. The technology allows you to preserve the original car color and obtain results that lead to the best quality of the work done. With the REFILLER, car owners do not need to worry about a long and expensive repainting of one or several elements in case of paint damage that cannot be removed by abrasive polishing. Service center specialists will not have to fall back to using polishing systems, working with one car for a long time, eliminating the consequences of poor-quality color, holograms after polishing and other defects.